Hi my friends.
Well, I hope you are all enjoying the new album. As I’ve said all along, the direction would be a little different and I was a little jittery about how it might be received, but I’ve been so pleased to see such amazing reviews. It’s also been absolutely wonderful to see the photos of the CD, in dim lighting, next to a glass of wine, or a single malt, with words like “We’re all ready for the next hour and forty minutes”. Awesome.
If you haven’t got the album yet you can now buy the CD in the USA through CDBaby, and also directly from my online store, and all of the usual download and streaming sites.
But things are moving on, and I’ve already started writing The Second Branch and, as with The First Branch, I’d like to take you on the Journey with me. The first thing I’ve done is invest in a program called Scrivener. It’s on the Mac, Windows and iOS, and being an Apple fan I have it on my iMac. It allows me to split the story into the spoken word sections by chapter (along with complete descriptions of each chapter’s contents and notes), and that has already told me where the songs will fit within the tale! It’s been a total game changer. The result is that the entire Second Branch is now planned out, with chapter titles, and song titles. I already know what will be in each chapter, and also what each song will be about. I’ve written the Prologue, and the first section of the first chapter. Not bad considering I only started it last week!
For those of you who don’t know, the Second branch tells the tale of Bendigeidfran, probably better known as Bran the Blessed, of his sister Branwen, her marriage to Matholwch the King of Ireland, and the events which follow. It is a much darker and bloodier tale than the First Branch. It’s almost a Shakespearian tragedy, or an epic Wagnerian Opera, and you will get that from the opening line of the album when you hear it, and the score that follows.
I’ve already done an huge amount of research and, just as with the First Branch, this has brought to life so much more within the tale. I still plan to stay 100% faithful to the translations, but there will also be small amounts of added decoration, to bring the up to date research into the actual story.
Our narrator continues to be Pryderi, who also takes a major role later in the tale.
But Scrivener is calling me, so I’m going to leave it there, and get back to writing the spoken word section.
Sometimes the story won’t wait. It looks like the Morrigan wants this to happen sooner rather than later.
Loved the first branch and I look forward to the next. It’s beautiful,inspiring and compelling work.Jo.
Dave, you have invoked the magic of loving the present and looking very much forward to the future with that beautiful, child-like exitement of hope and anticipation. My the Gods, Goddesses and Spirits carry you with great speed in their Chariot! Marcus xxx
Exciting news indeed! I came away from The First Branch feeling as though I’d been transported to another realm, it took me a while to come back to this one! From the very beginning right to the end of the cds it was so easy to get lost in the stories, something I’ve had trouble with when trying to read the book because of the pronunciations. I especially enjoyed the atmosphere you created when Pwyll first met Arawn – WOW!! Thank you for all your hard work Damh <3
I agree with Louise about being transported to another realm.How do you do it ? As I listened to The First Branch the pictures you created with the narration and songs filled my head and time seemed to stand still. You have an amazing gift. Thank you for sharing it with us. I am eagerly awaiting The Second Branch. xxx
Wow Dave that’s Awesome. I have really enjoyed the first one. I love the stories. Heard a lot of them at Felin Uchaf. The roundhouse on Llyn Peninsula. So I am looking forward to it as you tell them brilliantly. Love and BLESSINGS To all of you x
Scrivener is an amazing tool for writers, as I proved myself. Good writing!
very kewl, indeed 🙂
Dave, I for one am wildly excited to receive the second branch! My sacred place is The Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee, which I plan to visit in the late fall this year and I hope to have the second branch to travel with us. I am making this trip to select the spot where my Bios Urn will be planted with my ashes when I leave this plane. Your music and lyrics mean so much to me and have helped my journey on my chosen path. Thank you!