Raise the Flag of Green - New Album - Out Now!
My new album 'Raise the Flag of Green' OUT NOW! CD and Downloads from my online store.
My new album 'Raise the Flag of Green' OUT NOW! CD and Downloads from my online store.
Very excited to let you know that I’ve finally taken the advice of my musician friends and have started my own Patreon site. Lots of exciting ideas of things to bring to the site in the future. There is a free tier plus other tiers to help support my work. Come and join my latest venture! NB: Apple just announced they will charge an extra 30% on your tier cost if you join a Patreon using the iOS app from November 2024 - that all goes to Apple. So it's best to avoid that and join using the Patreon website.
Music is magic and brings people together. If you are enjoying Damh's online 'House Concerts' on Facebook you might like to leave a little tip in the Tip Jar. It's not compulsory, these are free offerings to the community, but any donation is greatly appreciated!
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