Last night I hosted the regular Monday evening live stream hosted by the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids called Tea with a Druid. The theme of the talk is connecting with the Natural World and the journey I’ve been on with my own Druid path. There’s a Gratitude Meditation/Ritual and a song at the end too.
I hope it brings some peace and inspiration!
Hello Dave, thank you so much for your beautiful and inspiring presentation on Tea this week – I loved it all. I have come to your blog hoping to find the words of your lovely ritual, greeting the directions. Please could you include it here, or maybe I’ve missed it?
Thank you again, and wishing you blessings, Peri
Of course. Here it is:
Thank you kindly ♀️
Hello, Dave. The Tea this week was beautiful, peaceful and inspirational. I’ve been using your prayer, albeit with my own words, all week and it just feels right. It does enhance the feeling of connection to all aspects of Nature. Thank you also for sharing the words with us. I’m grateful. I should also say that I love the part where you pull the sword. It sends chills up my spine. It seems such a powerful act. Forest blessings, Dave.