The blog has been quiet this year.
I’ve enjoyed the coming Spring and the arrival of May Day and have found myself on somewhat of a soul-searching journey. Mum hasn’t done well after Dad died and so much of my attention is on her I really haven’t had a chance to grieve. That time will come I’m sure and every now and then a feeling so visceral hits me and I just have to stop and breathe deeply, but there is no working through it yet.
I’ve also realised that I haven’t really found direction after the Pandemic. It’s better this year but I still find myself in a busy place and wondering if it ever happened.
I’ve heard people say that life changes forever when parents die. I can only now feel how true that is. I’m so thankful that my Pagan life has helped me to see the changing seasons every year. That Spring always follows Winter. It’s just some Winters last longer than others.
But the Sun is shining, the leaves are that fresh vibrant green that only seems to last until the Solstice, the gulls are calling and the air is fresh and warm, but not yet Summer-hot. I have an online House Concert tonight and once more I find music being my anchor. The Song that keeps me connected to the Weave and reminds me of the wonder and magic of Life.
Oh Dave, you MUST take care of yourself and make time to grieve. It is so important for your well-being, both mental and physical, to process your emotions. Please take care of yourself.
Dave I lost my handicapped brother to COVID he was the cement that glued my family together after my parents passed, my pagan beliefs helped by realising he had passed over the rainbow bridge and was now free from the constraints of his life and was smiling and sending thanks back to all. I took time to grieve some say I never did but I know without my beliefs I would have struggled with his passing I know he has been reborn not as my brother but as a blessed spirit in another, your music and lyrics helped greatly.
Hi. I know it’s early but what availability would you have for a Saturday in September 2024. I’m trying to organise a pagan themed market during the day and a witches ball in the evening for a very special lady who is suffering with life limiting cancer, she is a magic maker and story teller (she writes her own stories)
If you would be willing to come and join us please let me know how much your fees are, and there would be availability for you to have your music on sale during the day. The market and ball will take place in beautiful Tavistock, the market would be in the Butchers Hall and the ball would take place upstairs in the town hall (there is a lift)
Hello Dave, As Sally said you must take time to grieve, we all grieve in our own way and time but now is a good time since you are helping your mum along since your dad’s passing, she is probably having a hard time to it sounds, but you can both grieve together and be a strength for each other and both of you can share the good memories with each other and it is a good time to let her know how much you appreciate her as well, we all support each other.
Hi Dave,
It’s Ange here (camps,
Lily, Bert vw campervan connection)
My Dad passed first and Mum survived 8 years with never really processing or moving through the experience. I was left looking after her and believed I never had time to grieve Dad’s passing.
It does happen though, it happens whilst we are busy doing other things. Life is only not the same after parents pass because they are no longer there physically.
With love.
I’m still going through it Dave. Mum died two years ago (96) and dad last October (102). The very foundations of all I had been and seen seemed to rock and still does. Today my son and I worked again on emptying the family home, their memories, our memories, books, photos, diaries, things that meant so much to them. He has just left and, yes, we have wept together today. It will be so different without them both but the memories are solid and lasting, I hope yours are too Dave.
Hi Dave,
You need to grieve buddy, but there’s no timescale to adhere to, it caught me out and I didn’t get ‘closure’ when my dad died as I wasn’t there. At 76yrs old and after 52yrs of marriage he announced to the family living in the UK that he found his girlfriend from 1952 living in New Zealand and left my mum behind and filed for divorce. Two years later he died as did his new wife so I don’t know where his ashes are or where / whether they were even scattered. My pagan faith helped me through it, whenever I see the wind in the trees or the water running in the burn I know he’s part of it. Dave, you helped me through my grief by bringing so much joy and inspiration to the pagan community through your music / Druidcast and as OBOD Pendragon. Thank you so much for being such a legend in so many ways, you are much loved my friend, take care. I’ll buy you a beer one day when we meet.
Brightest blessings
Hi Dave.I am, new to your clan,but have enjoyed the past months with you.I only wish I could help you half as much as your music has helped me every single day.Thank you my new friend.I wish you blessings& healing.
Grief is so weird. Lost my mom 20years ago and days still level me with grief. Be gentle with yourself. Thank you so much b for your music and for being you. The world is a better place with you in it.
Peace and fun
Wishing you will during this tough time, Damh.
Damh, as you know, we all grieve in our own way, there’s no “right” or “wrong” way to do it, but do it we must. My beloved husband passed away on 14th February this year, so it’s all still very new and raw for me, especially as I have no other family at all. However my – I was going to say “work” but it’s not really work as such – occupation, then, as a dog-minder helps; my Canine friends get me through the days, I imagine in a similar way to how your music gets you through.
It’s a big learning curve adapting to fending for myself alone, as a disabled person; Peter and I were each others’ carers, as he had Parkinson’s.
I chose “Land of the Ever Young” for the contemplation music at his funeral, as it was always a favourite of both of us, and it felt right.
I wish you, and all the other brave people who have shared their experiences here, peace and light.
Everyone who has experienced the death of a loved one knows that we all grieve in our own way & in our own time. I know that this was true with me. My dad died almost 40 years ago, just 6 weeks before he was due to retire & I was angry that he & mum didn’t get to enjoy the plans that they had made. Only once I accepted that this was the way thst it was could I grieve. Mum died just a few weeks into 2000. Unforunately she had suffered from ill health & dementia for the last 2 years of her life & I was sorry that she hadn’t realised that she had lived into the new Millennia. In both cases my Pagan beliefs were a comfort & help to me, as I’m sure yours is. Please look after yourself, physically & mentally. Blessings & prayers from me to you. ✌️