An Amazing Idea!

I shared this on Twitter and Facebook last week but wanted to post it here on my blog as I think it is such an amazing idea.

Take some time to watch the video and see what you think.

Yes it would cost a lot of money but, as it says, the employment and long-term benefit arguments are persuasive.

All over the world corporations and governments are investing millions into fracking that will drain a little more of the planet’s fossil fuel, but this oil and gas will run out in around 15 years. As the video says, the Sun has a much longer lifespan!

I think we should invest the short-term-fix money currently being thrown at fracking and oil corporations into this long-term solution.

Their Indigogo campaign has already raised nearly $2,000,000 which is $1,000,000 more than their intended goal, so it has momentum.

4 responses to “An Amazing Idea!”

  1. This is a great idea it makes it safer for children going to school in winter .children going out to meet friends. the list is endless.
    I would support this brilliant Idea.

  2. Perhaps if the whole road network was covered in them they could also be used for inductive charging of our electric cars as we drive along, making them go much further between battery charges, if not doing away with them altogether. I guess this may take a substatial bit of the power, but at least it would not be polluting the atmosphere.

  3. It’s about time that someone thought about this. The solution has been there above our heads all the time. If we can do it lets do it, everyone including Mother Earth will benefit its a great idea. Let’s hope the powers that be, can see this.But as we see it as saving money and helping the planet they might see it as losing money and profit and that would stop the idea. So let’s hope that they can see beyond their bottom line, and see that this would help us all.

  4. I love the idea, even though I doubt that we need even more employment and that oil, coal and gas are ‘fossil fuels’.

    In hunter-gatherer societies the average person ‘worked’ for around 10 hours a week. Even in medieval times ordinary men were free to volunteer all summer long in the building of Europe’s great cathedrals. The idea we can’t provide everything everyone needs with just a few hours of work per week in this day and age is ludicrous. I think *THEY* just like to keep us working ever more hours and ever more in debt, whoever *THEY* are.

    And outside the West no-one believes in ‘fossil’ fuels. It appears to have been a theory concocted by the Oil trust in America to promote the idea that oil is scarce and therefore should be expensive. In Russia and China they have never believed it. The Russians pump everything they can out of a well, leave it for a few years to replenish, then return and begin all over again. Oil seems to be a natural product of deep earth geological activity, which on its face is more plausible than leaves and dinosaur carcasses combining together over millions of years.

    And as for coal, here’s a pithy Dave McGowan:

    although underground coal fires are a common phenomenon, most people are completely unaware that they occur. How common are they? At any given time, thousands of coal veins are ablaze around the world. In China’s northwestern province of Xinjiang alone, there are currently about 2,000 underground coal fires burning. Indonesia currently hosts as many as 1,000.

    Some of these fires have been burning for thousands of years; Burning Mountain Nature Reserve, for example, in New South Wales, Australia, has been aflame for an estimated 5,500 years. Other coal fires are of more recent vintage, often started through the actions of the notoriously destructive human species. But underground coal fires long predate mankind’s proclivity for starting them, and many of the fires burning today are due to entirely natural causes.

    New Scientist noted, in February 2003, that “coal seam fires have occurred spontaneously far back into geological history.” (“Wild Coal Fires are a ‘Global Catastrophe’,” New Scientist, February 14, 2003) Radio Nederland added that “Geological evidence from China suggests that underground coal fires have been occurring naturally for at least one million years.” (Anne Blair Gould “Underground Fires Stoke Global Warming,” Radio Nederland, March 10, 2003)

    And how much coal, you may be wondering, do these fires consume annually? No one can say with any certainty, but it is estimated that in China alone, some 200 million tons of coal go up in smoke every year. That’s a hell of a lot of coal. More coal than China exports, in fact. In other words, the world’s leading coal exporter loses more coal to underground fires than it produces for export.

    “Very interesting,” you say, “but what does any of this have to do with ‘Peak Oil’?” Glad you asked. Coal is, you see, a member of the same hydrocarbon family as oil and natural gas, and it is, like gas and oil, claimed to be a ‘fossil fuel’ created in finite, non-renewable quantities at a specific time in the earth’s history (when the stars were, I’m guessing, in the proper alignment). And yet this allegedly precious and limited resource has been burning off at the rate of millions of tons per year, year in and year out, for at least a million years, and probably much longer.

    This raises, in my mind at least, one very obvious question: how is it possible that nature has been taking an extremely heavy toll on the globe’s ‘fossil fuels’ for hundreds of thousands of years (at the very least), without depleting the reserves that were supposedly created long, long ago; and yet man, who has been extracting and burning ‘fossil fuels’ for the mere blink of an eye, geologically speaking, has managed to nearly strip the planet clean?

    Is it not perfectly clear that that is a proposition that is absurd on its face — so much so that it is remarkable that the ‘fossil fuel’ myth has passed muster for as long as it has? Nevertheless, that entirely illogical myth is the cornerstone on which an even bigger lie – the myth of ‘Peak Oil’ – is built. Go figure. /endquote

    Damh, I remember in your interview with Robin Williamson years ago he mentioned being dropped into Woodstock in a military helicopter! How odd, I thought, Woodstock was hippies and peace and love and all that. Why were the US military facilitating it, using helicopters that they could have been using in Vietnam? The question stayed with me for years ’til when I read Dave McGowan’s series of articles on the late 1960s LA rock scene:

    He has a new book out updating his research if you’re interested.

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