I’ve recently swapped over the way my blog posts are delivered via email, and also how they are sent to my Facebook page. So this is just a little test of that new system to see if it’s all working. Hopefully, if you’ve subscribed to my blog via email you will have received it safely, and if you’re reading this on Facebook, well, that works as well. Fingers crossed!
But as I’m writing I will take the opportunity to give you some updates on writing, recording, touring and some other bits and bobs too.
After the few in-person live shows I did last year, it has been wonderful to get out and play more live shows and festivals this year. Last year I think, like a lot of other people, I was feeling somewhat institutionalized and not that comfortable being around crowds after the lockdowns and the Pandemic. This year that has gone and I’m absolutely loving being with my community in person again. This weekend I’m playing at the mighty Mercian Gathering – always an incredible festival – and I can’t wait to get into that marquee and start playing my songs again.
The House Concerts continue, and I have no plans to stop them any time soon. They are very different from playing in-person shows, but they have their own special atmosphere. I love seeing all of the little profile pics and everyone from all over the world joining together online as one big community. Being able to interact with you all live, answering questions and responding to your comments, is wonderful. It’s a monthly, life-affirming, joyous get-together, and I love them.
Creativity has had to take a back seat for family stuff this year after Dad died at the end of January. Mum has taken it very hard and much of my energy has been with her, making sure she is safe, and well, and gently being with her as she moves on with her life without her partner of 60+ years. All of this in her 80s too. It’s been tough for her. But yesterday I took her to a Scrabble afternoon with other people of her age, and I saw the biggest smile on her face since February, which made us both feel so good. So that will be a regular weekly thing for sure.
Also, there are some big changes in other areas of my life, but these changes will open up more time and space for music, and that is really what I personally need. I am at my happiest when I am creating, writing, recording, playing live, and being with other people of like mind. Looking into the future I’m excited and hopeful.
The new YouTube channel me and Cerri have created is great fun, and that’s really what is all about for us. A good excuse to record stuff from Cerri’s allotment, and for us to visit some of our favourite Sacred Sites around the country. If you haven’t seen the Green Grimoire channel, pop over here, and take a look, and if you like what we are doing, subscribe to the channel.
The new music album? Seven songs written and recorded. If you’ve seen me live, either at my in-person shows or the online House concerts, you will have heard some of them. I want at least ten for the album, so three more to write and record, but, as I said above, finding the mental space for that creativity has been hard this year. Sometimes other things in life need a lot of attention and care. As the year wanes into Autumn and Winter, and the nights draw in, those songs will arrive along the River of Awen, and I will be there, fishing rod in hand (my guitar), looking to catch a beauty.
A new album – that sounds great. I’m missing the fourth branch, though.
Ah, what a lovely update … and we Really Loved your joining us all at Greenwood Hearth in Staffordshire … the photo of you with your ‘audience’ was fab!
Thank you for your update to my e-maill address. I only saw you for the first time live at Witchfest at Stoke last year and have followed your live blogs and watched Cerri and yourself at Sinnis on U-tube after your live podcast. I fully understand that losing your father and looking after your mother will take more of your time but your fanbase will not go away.
Yay! Bright blessings andove to you, Cerri, Oscar, and of course, your lovely Mum!
Love! Sorry for the typo!
Happy Blue Super Moon
Lovely to read your post, this year seems to have been difficult in new and unexpected ways for many of us, it’s good to hear that the clouds are clearing and you can see the blue skies ahead.
I hope the gathering in and restfulness of Autumn will fill your cauldron of creativity to over brimming. Personally I’m feeling the Awen calling after a spring and summer of stillness.
I love Cerri’s allotment and am very much looking forward to you sharing more adventures and hearing your new songs.
Brightest of blessings to you, Cerri, your Mum and Oscar too ofc
See you under the trees /|\
You are always so generous with the sharing of your life, time and Path. An inspiration and an exemplar! Many thanks and Blessed Be.
Looking forward to the new album and these things take time and it will still be special I’m sure we have to make adjustments in life unexpectedly sometimes but things have a way of coming together
You are an inspiration to me & help me stay connected/grounded to our mother earth. Although I go back 13 generations in America my heart & soul never left the UK.
Thank you so much, Damh. All you do is so much appreciated, and I am amazed and grateful that you have been able to share your extraordinary artistic energy (and kindness) with us during this difficult year for your family. Your music has brought me great joy regularly since 2006 when I first listened to it while driving alone through Wales. And in the hard lockdown times it was a kind of healing medicine. Blessings and thank you. Ann
Thank you for continuing with the house concerts. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to “cross the pond” and see a show live.
I hope you enjoy fish and be inspired to write more songs as you look about you in the beautiful nature. I love my river and visit it daily.
Really looking forward to the new material love all your music it is very special I am a huge Jethro Tull fan can I see a lot of similarities between you and Ian Anderson