That morning he snatched the glove from above the fireplace, and walked the path to Gorsedd Arberth. Along the way he cut two twigs from a blackthorn tree which he fashioned into small poles, a hook on each end, then he cut another to form the gibbet. He appreciated his handiwork as he climbed up to the top of the hill. Once there he pushed the first two twigs into the earth, balanced the third on the two hooks, then got out a small piece of twine, fashioned a noose, and tied it to the crosspiece of the tiny gibbet…
Verse 1
Empty lands and barren fields,
For 7 years is all I have known,
I have known.
Who is this approaching me,
On Arberth’s hill I see I’m not alone,
Not alone.
The poet shakes his head and his decree,
“This act it is beneath you can’t you see?”
Offers me a pound to set it free
Set it free
It’s a thief and it will be a thief no more,
I will hang it in accordance with the law,
With its little legs a-dangling it will sway
I swear that it won’t see another day,
Now be on your way
Verse 2
A tiny twig, a length of twine,
And this evil thief will soon atone,
Soon atone,
But who is this approaching me,
On Arberth’s hill I see I’m not alone,
Not alone.
A Priest shakes his head and his decree,
“This act it is beneath you can’t you see?”
Offers me three pounds to set it free
Set it free
Verse 3
The little noose around its neck,
Soon this thief will be as cold as stone,
Cold as stone,
But who is this approaching me,
On Arberth’s hill I see I’m not alone,
Not alone.
A Druid shakes his head and his decree,
“This act it is beneath you can’t you see?”
Offers 7 pounds to set it free
Offer all the horses I can see,
And all the bags they’re carrying to me,
To set it free
It’s a thief and it will be a thief no more,
I will hang it in accordance with the law,
With its little legs a-dangling it will sway,
The Druid asks how much he needs to pay,
I say you have an unhealthy love of mice,
The Druid says to me name your price,
Name your price