What is the Green Album?
It’s a musical plan of action. An Independent musical compilation created by a consortium of like-minded Muses, Musicians and Songbirds from all over, uniting as a global Tribe to raise awareness, celebrate and give something back to Mother Earth!
All fourteen #theGreenAlbum artists will be offering one song, either NEW or never-before-released, specifically for this album!
25% from EVERY album sold by the collaborators will be donated to the Rainforest Trust, a fantastic organization who truly represents the ideals of the artists and the album!
The Album is OUT NOW! Get the CD or Download here
Tuatha Dea
Wendy Elizabeth Rule
S. J. Tucker
Sharon Knight
Winter Jp Sichelschmidt
Celia Farran
Bekah Kelso
Ginger Doss
Damh the Bard
Kellianna Girouard
Spiral Dance
Spiral Rhythm
Wendy Elizabeth Rule
S. J. Tucker
Sharon Knight
Winter Jp Sichelschmidt
Celia Farran
Bekah Kelso
Ginger Doss
Damh the Bard
Kellianna Girouard
Spiral Dance
Spiral Rhythm
Extra special thanks to Danny, Rebecca, Jesse, and Christina for bringing us all together, cracking the whip on our deadlines, and generally being the heart of this project!
The Rainforest Trust also have a UK office if you are interested in their work:
Rainforest Trust UK
103, Hathaway Mews, Elmwood Road,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 5JT
Tel: 07854 864247