Unriddle me this
What is Love but heartbreak and pain?
I will tell you
The feelings of fullness
Of passion
Of desire
But more,
Love is the gentleness of touch
Meeting with smiles in the shadows
The freshener of Spring
The surf of the Wave
A tear of joy,Of wonder
The first leaf to grow, The last to fall
The sweetness of a kiss
The life within breath
A quivering heart
Both shaking in anticipation
Dew on the web
The stillness of the lake
And the wildness of a hurricane
Love is the changing seasons
After Love nothing is the same
Love is Fire and Water
Air and Earth
The first gaze of a newborn eye
A giver, a taker,With no remorse
It drinks from the caress of a lovers lips
It is both dark and light
Yielding and forceful
The surrender in a lovers eye
A tower, a prison
And the dearest of keys
This I feel until the last snows melt
The last cuckoo calls
And the last tear falls.