Y Mabinogi – The First Branch has given fruit

Y Mabinogi – The First Branch has given fruit

First considered 22 years ago. Started April 2016, and the finished CDs arrived just 30 minutes ago. I am one happy Bard. To hold the finished album in my hands, with Cerri’s amazing artwork which has just brought the whole thing together. Well, it’s emotional.

If you pre-ordered the CD from my site you should have received an email this morning with a link to a download of the album so you can listen to it while the CD makes its way to you. If you get the album now you’ll also get that download included. This has been my biggest launch ever, and I have literally hundreds of CDs to pack up and post out, so be patient with me, they will be on their way to you all very soon.

The album also went on sale at midnight on iTunes and as it’s a double album they are asking £15.99 for the download. I don’t set the prices on iTunes or Amazon and I get why they’ve done that – there are a lot of tracks. If you buy the CD from my store it’s £15 plus postage and you get the download too, so it’s a good deal.

So the First Branch is done. In a minute I’m going to take off the Rhiannon pendant Cerri made me for this Journey and place it on my altar. I’ll thank Rhiannon, Pwyll, Arawn, and all of the others from the First Branch for their guidance and gift of Awen. I will ask Pryderi to stay with me, and then open to Bran, Branwen, and the energy of the Second Branch, to fill me, be with me, guide me, as I look towards Harlech, and to Ireland for an altogether darker and bloodier tale.

The corvids are circling, it’s time.

I hope you all enjoy the First Branch as much as me and Cerri have enjoyed creating it.

18 responses to “Y Mabinogi – The First Branch has given fruit”

  1. I can see that it’s been emotional by the tear glistening in your eye.
    You’ve both worked so hard for this, and now you hold the finished product in your hand. It’s obvious that you’ve put your hearts into this work.
    And I cannot wait to get a copy of it to cherish.
    Blessed be
    / | \

  2. I’m listening right now on Spotify and I’m completely in love with your wonderful new work! Thanks for this, I’m felling very inspired ♥
    May the Gods bless your journey with Awen /|\

  3. Got my download late last night though I’m waiting for a quiet moment to have a listen, not sure when that will be in this crazy household but I’m sure it will be brilliant when I do. What an achievement, well done and thank you

  4. It must be an incredible feeling to hold the finished product in your hand – something that started as the spark of an idea and is now a tangible record. That feeling will never get old, no matter how many CDs you release. This CD will be my new travel companion, just as your last one was when it was released.

    BB /|\

  5. The work that you and Cerri have done is an amazing blessing to us all! Thank you and may your lives be blessed!

  6. love love love it 🙂 .. did as you suggested and listened to it all the way through … mesmerizing .. i walked in the woods with my dogs listening .. seemed the appropriate place to be .. you have so kept to the stories even down to the words said by characters .. and the Music .. i was singing along very quickly to some of them 🙂 thank goodness there were no thee walkers to hear me Thank You THANK YOU X/|\X

  7. Yaaaay! Congratulations! We are so stoked, proud, and blessed with your and Cerri’s birthing Your creation directly from your hands will be my birthday gift to myself in just a few days…I already have thrill bumps knowing and feeling the journey looming before me…wonderful anticipation to add momentum! Thank you, thank you, thank you Awen blessings as you move into the deepening on the next leg of your journey /|\

  8. My wife had got the download version on yesterday when I got in from work and she was spell bound. For myself we have a long drive up into Scotland coming soon so I’m waiting until then (well trying to wait) so I can loose myself once again in your gift from the gods in the form of your voice and song writing.

    Thank you

    Blessed be

  9. Yeay! Brightest of Blessings of AWEN & continuing success to you both! Looking forward to my own copy! May this music inspire & Bless the world…


  10. Lovely, Damh! I downloaded it from iTunes earlier today and have listened to it in its entirety twice! To say I’m blown away is a massive understatement. Thank you.

  11. Showing amazing restraint (I thought!) I waited a whole three days after getting the CD in the post before I sat down to listen to it, which I did yesterday evening. Why wait? I wanted to make sure that I could listen to both discs all the way through without interruption. (See I followed the instructions/suggestion on the cover!!) I’m so glad I waited. You really do need to give these CDs the time and attention they deserve. They aren’t CDs: they’re an experience. When you’ve completed the other branches, Damh, this series will rate alongside the classic translations of the Mabinogion and will, I’m sure, be closer to the way our ancestors experienced these stories than anything that’s been available for centuries. I was about to type congratulations on a fantastic job but the word job doesn’t do it justice so just “Congratulations and thanks”.

  12. This is really an amazing piece of work. In a world of copycat ideas this is truly original. This is Damh’s best work to date

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