What is the Green Grimoire?
The Green Grimoire is the name Cerri and I call the Book of Nature.
Decades of experience have taught us that the language of Magic and Myth is spoken by the Natural World, and it is a deep and visceral connection with Nature that is our greatest teacher. The ancient Druids didn’t write anything down because they didn’t need to – it was there, all around them, written in the plants, trees, animals, birds, fish, insects, fungi, rocks, rivers, and the Elements. The challenge is to once again learn to read The Book – The Green Grimoire.
Our modern lives have created a distinct disconnect with Nature and now it’s like learning to speak an unfamiliar language that was spoken fluently by our ancestors thousands of years ago, a language that is still read and spoken by indigenous First Nations across the globe, a language that is critical and vital for us all to relearn.
So come with us on our journey of rediscovery.