Barddas II is a compilation of music created by members of the Order of Bards Ovates and Druids. Released in 2001 it has been sought after ever since. The Order are now are pleased to be able to offer it in this digital format. As with the CD release, all money raised from the sale of Barddas II will go to the Order’s Sacred Grove Planting Project.
[bandcamp album=1650721088 size=tall bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB]
Thank you for sharing this with us. I am interested in obtaining a copy of this recording. The music you and the same fill my heart and soul with a certain gladness that has only been felt at a distance until now. I revel in this music and the tales of the wood and adventures into the mind of strange places of fae and glitter as well as whither and doom. Positive and Negative, gotta live with it, can’t live with it! Really enjoyed your telling of the Mountains and Snow in Germany. Take Cares!
Pipyr. Tartan of Tullibardine