I’ve made no secret that I started writing Pagan songs so they could be shared and sung around campfires, and it’s a real compliment to any song that other musicians want to sing it.
Last night I received an email about a new album – The Isolation Sessions -that has been created to raise money for The National Emergencies Trust Covid Appeal charity – a great cause. The cover songs vary from AC/DC’s Whole Lotta Rosie and Pink Floyd’s Wish You Were Here, and a cover of my song Blodeuwedd.
Here is their lyric video of the song.
Another example of creativity being channelled to help our current situation with COVID-19.
About the album from the Isolation Sessions website:
The album sees Danny collaborating with a whole host of artists including Romeo’s Daughter guitarist Craig Joiner, Voodoo Six axeman Matt Pearce and Tygers of Pan Tang drummer Craig Ellis. The album has been mastered by Benedict Harris Hayes of Oceanica and Massive Dynamic, who also features on the opening track, Danny’s take on Pink Floyd’s ‘Wish You Were Here’.
Sicilian guitarist Antonello Giliberto and Tygers drummer Craig Ellis feature on ‘Diamonds and Rust’, a track which is a cross between the Joan Baez original and the Judas Priest acoustic version, which, funnily enough, was the first Priest song Danny ever heard. Founding member of Judas Priest and KK’s Priest guitarist, KK Downing shared these thoughts about the album;
“I would like to say congratulations and a big thank you to Danny Stoakes and all of the talented musicians for this collaboration. The Isolation Sessions is a collection of many well-known and loved songs that have been interpreted in a unique way during these past difficult months, and all in the name of a most worthy and appropriate charity, “The National Emergencies Trust Covid Appeal”. As I listen to the songs it is difficult to find favourites, but I admit I do warm to Diamonds and Rust – a song I have played with Priest so many times. I would strongly urge everyone to get on board and check out The Isolation Sessions, not only for its much needed cause, but for the undoubtable enjoyment you will have from listening to it. Again, much respect to all involved in this creation and my sincere thanks to you all for your support.” – K.K. Downing.
Donate and order The Isolation Sessions Here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/theisolationsessions
or head over to the Progressive Gears Bandcamp: https://progressivegears.bandcamp.com/album/the-isolation-sessions
– NB. Bandcamp take a 10% distribution charge
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