It’s been a crazy few weeks and I simply haven’t had any time to publish any posts to my blog, but things are settling down a bit again now so it’s nice to see that old familiar WordPress posting page in front of me again.
From the 14th September until Tuesday this week it’s been an amazing time of travel and gigs. From the OBOD East Coast Gathering in Pennsylvania, home for 6 days then off to Australia for the Australian Wiccan Conference and gigs in Adelaide and Melbourne with my good friends Spiral Dance, then home to immediately host our mate Kristoffer Hughes as he presented a weekend course on death, dying and bereavement, and the on Monday this week I played a concert at the Glastonbury Assembly Rooms.
What an adventure.
But now things are quieter for a couple of weeks until Witchfest International at the Fairfield Halls, Croydon, so time to get back to more regular blogging, and to continue writing more music.
Okay, it’s not that quiet.
This is Samhain weekend after all, so our Grove will be gathering, I’m talking at the Brighton Interfaith Meeting on Saturday about the Pagan connection with death (couldn’t have been timed better!), then at the Long Man of Wilmington on Sunday for the Anderida Gorsedd open Samhain ritual.
But then things quieten down a bit.
Thanks for your patience! This is really just a little note to get back in touch and say hello once more.
Have the most wonderful Samhain!
Glad you’re getting back to “normality “. I’m looking forward to your blogs and new music in the future.
Blessed Samhain to you and Cerri. xo
I hope you have a magickal Samhain! And then…. Hope you get some much needed rest and quiet time with those closest to you. Cheers!
Busy Busy Busy is wonderful!,,,,BUT Slow Up time is here!!! A samhain blessing to you and yours.
Hi Damh,
I am submitting my answer for one of the Awen prizes – my memory tells me the answer of the name of the little boy is “Gwion”.
Also, thanks for posting a picture of your Samhain altar on your porch from last year. It was ‘simple pagan elegance’ at its finest and we have it up as our wallpaper tonight.
May Cernunnos bless you with great love and a long, healthy life.
Blessed Samhain to you and Cerri }:-) I wish for it to clean out all that is needed and you can create from anew }:-) Let the veil be thin and you all get to connect with those past }:-)
Bledded Be /i\
Great Assembly Room gig. You certainly Rock the place x
blessings .