Drink from the Overflowing Glass

IMG_3246In July 2013 I wrote a blog post called Is ‘Busy’ the new ‘Fine’? Just a little reflection on the way our modern lives have been filled, and over the past few weeks I’ve been exploring this topic a little deeper. I’ve been looking at how I spend the priceless minutes of my life – what I need to change. It’s a valuable process and one that I thought I’d done at the end of 2013, but looking back I just acknowledged the need for change but didn’t, in fact, put anything in action to make the changes needed. So as Autumn falls and there is space for reflection I thought this time I would do it properly.

What is important? What is less important? What needs to go completely? Where would I prefer to be using my energy?

There are many aspects to this exploration and one of them is the way I spend my working life. I’m a musician and songwriter. I love the creative process of writing and recording music and songs, yet I only release an album every other year. I also love entertaining, and playing my songs live. My heart yearns for the creative process but any musician will tell you that it’s hard to find that sweet spot between creating music, and playing it live. It’s the reason most bands tour and play their concerts all in a row, then get back to the studio for the new album. Two distinct processes.


In 2015 my plan is to  leave a good chunk of the year mostly clear for writing and recording. I know it’s unrealistic to think it can be left completely free, so let’s just say ‘mostly clear’ and be happy with that. I love playing live too much to stop completely, so will always be there at some of the festivals and camps, but maybe not as many as in the past. BUT after the recording is done, I’ll be hitting the road to play dedicated concerts at music venues, so keep an eye on my concerts page here for details as the gigs are added (or if you want to be sure to get the dates sign up for my monthly eNewsletter from the front page of this site).

There is an analogy of a glass being either half empty or half full. I am blessed that my glass is beautifully overflowing, so time now to drink some of that water, and make space for it to refill again.

6 responses to “Drink from the Overflowing Glass”

  1. Just not enough Damn to go around. I for one would not mind seeing an album a little more frequently. At the same time I do enjoy your pod cast and newsletters. While I have not had the pleasure of seeing you in person, much of that is due to my lack of travel. I came across your albums about a decade ago. Since than I have endeavored to get them all, so please make it more challenging for me 🙂

  2. Ok, I’ll agree to you concentrating on a new album, but only if you agree to include places in Wales for the subsequent tour! 🙂
    My friends and I would love to see you live! x

  3. Yep indeed! time to reflect, and see what is actually happening, rather than the “i want to do ….” also reminded me to drink more water! that is something that I really need to do!


  4. I was really pleased to hear that your glass is beautifully overflowing and that you’ve made time to take stock of things. I’m going to see if I can apply this principle to my own life. Thank you for inspiring me.

  5. Im also gona apply this to my life, thank you for sharing your inspirations with us. I always look forward to new damh albums. I very much enjoy your monthly pod cast, & your news letters, your truely an inspiration to my life. Maybe some day you will do a concert here in northern california, that would be the most amazing concert! Thank you for all the beauty you release to us all. I love your music!
    Blessed be to you damh the bard & all who adore you! 🙂
    Happy samhain to all


  6. Yes, I think busy is the new fine but I also have been looking at how I spend my time/energy since I went on a Druid Sharman retreat at Wild Ways at the end of September. We had 3 days with no TV/broadband/radio/newspapers etc. We talked, sang, drummed, and ate wonderful food (thanks Jade!) in a truly inspiring place. Got home & thought I’d floated there until a few days later when I felt my skin had been ripped off – coping again with ‘real life’ …..was a bummer! /|\

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