Comments Bug…hopefully fixed!

I have just returned from playing a gig at the wonderful Oakleaf camp in Yorkshire and while I was there I was asked why I never released moderated comments on my blog.

I had noticed that I had been getting the usual comments on Facebook and Twitter but since I redesigned my website I’d only had ‘pingback’ comments on my blog. I thought maybe that was just how people were communicating with me now. But it seems there was a conflict in the coding that created a comment bug, so none of your comments were reaching me.

So if you have been commenting on my blog posts, I apologise! It wasn’t me being rude and not posting your comments, it was a bug in the website. Hopefully, that has now been fixed and we can all start talking to each other here on my blog again…

Fingers crossed it works now!

14 responses to “Comments Bug…hopefully fixed!”

      • Dear Damh,
        And I say dear because your voice, music and podcasts are with me day and night in this nearly-3-yr-old Healing Room. You’re so cheery and kind/And you always speak your mind uncontrived and loving and spontaneous, Just want you to know from this particular American-Irish mick: when I hear your opening music (yours . . . I heard it in full once), I go from mickey blue to mickey new, wiggling to the rhythm all the way. Gosh, I want to see Ireland in this lifetime. I come from morgans, Galbreaths, Hinseys, Daleys, Thompsons, etc? I’ve been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism since 2000. I read Druidcast Tarot which shows me how it all overlaps in me . . . biologically and spiritually.
        much honor and respect to you,
        mickey morgan

          • Daughter of the Night
            I took a walk in the body of the night. The full moon blew black clouds—brooding organs—beneath the cranial bowl of sky. Clouds moved big, like changing thoughts, massed forward and away, blacking out then whitening the dark. I fit into the night. My arms, legs, shifted shades of gray one and the same with all of it—the whole hill and field and hay bales, frigid grass, leaves, stalks crisp and spindly like brittle bones that gave out chatter as I crushed them underfoot. A tufted cedar grew dark at the peak of the hill. Off a ways. Lone at the top.
            And the wind. Full of the moon’s white leaking into me. Blanching me everywhere. I opened to it. Dropped my pelvic floor, softened my chest, let go my knees a little, to let it know I would take anything, anything it was or had to give. I was all of it. Kin to the moon, the sky, clouds, hill, cedar. Yes.

  1. I still wish with all my heart that you would come to a Massachusetts venue so I could hear you live. I am sure I am not the only one in New England that feels the same way.

    Keep playing your lovely music.

  2. Thanks Damh for sorting the bug out. It is good to be able to post again.
    Wonderful gig at Oakleaf, as always.


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