I love creation stories and sometimes feel sad that time has not left us a Celtic creation story.
We know that the tribes of Iron Age Europe held the three realms of Land, Sky and Sea as sacred so I wanted my story to focus on them. Don, Llyr and Beli Mawr being the Gods who connect with those realms.
So, it’s story time folks.
Well that is a great story, lovely with the sounds behind your voice. A beautiful picture you’ve ‘painted’ of the creation of the three realms. Thank You. /|\
Beautiful 🙂 I was there totally 🙂 and then the story ended … 🙁 so well told … Please consider telling us more!
Really inspiring,a wonderful story, magical.
That was very beautiful, very magickal, i fully enjoyed it, i think all who adore you, are eager for more stories, you are food to the pagan soul!
Bleesed Be