Margot Adler – April 16, 1946 – July 28, 2014

IMG_2702I heard yesterday of the passing of Pagan author Margot Adler. Now if you read any blogs on the Pagan blogosphere you will read a lot about her over the coming days and weeks – she touched so many lives. Like many others, her book Drawing down the Moon gave me an insider’s view of Paganism in the USA, and helped me to see that I was not alone in my love of the Old Ways.

Later I would go on to meet many of the people she interviewed in the book during my travels and gigs, and one of the people I met was Margot herself.

If you do read the blogs about Margot you will notice one obvious thing. She was loved, deeply loved and respected. She spoke her truth with honour, and was utterly grounded and real.

I could go on, but I think it best to let Margot speak for herself. As the sun grew in strength, just before one of the morning gatherings at the Pagan Spirit Gathering 2012, I managed to speak with Margot about her journey and life.

Travel gently Margot. You are already greatly missed.

2 responses to “Margot Adler – April 16, 1946 – July 28, 2014”

  1. Wow! A light bulb flashed in this old brain upon listening to this. I had no idea who she was other than an author of ‘Drawing Down The Moon’. However, I knew her name rang another bell in my past. I too was a demonstrator and activist in the civil rights movement and had read various articles of news about her. Thanks for posting this interview as I feel it displays her depth through her past explorations. And it jogged my memory!

  2. What a gift to share,Damh! For those of us who grew up in the Craft reading and listening to Margot,this is gold. How wonderful of you to have had that opportunity and to now share it with us. Thank you,my brother.

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